A New Approach for Schools

EIE has established itself as one of the world's leading authorities on how to make Parental Engagement work in schools. Our innovative evidence-based approach delivers change through the introduction of a new concept which allows a deeper understanding of what Parental Engagement is, and how schools can develop a meaningful, manageable and sustainable implementation strategy.

The search for a solution to how schools can meaningfully develop Parental Engagement, was the reason EiE was launched as a consultancy in 2008. Like so many educationalists, we were frustrated by the fact that despite the huge amount of academic research that showed that Parental Engagement could raise pupil achievement, it wasn’t being translated into positive outcomes for pupils in schools.

In 2010 we realised that knowing and passing on the theory was not enough, and we decided to dedicate ourselves to providing school leaders with the answer to their most frequently expressed question: “We know what academic research tells us, but how do I get it to work within the context of my school?”  

This required us to become established in a relatively new area of research - ‘pragmatisation’ - a growing area of research, designed to provide policy-makers and practitioners with evidence of how academic research can be meaningfully implemented. As a result, all of our solutions have been developed through successful, school-based action research, tested in schools from a range of different contexts. We don’t just think our products work; we know they do.

Having been school leaders, we understand what they want. Our philosophy is that you should only pay once for our input, so courses are structured in such a way that future delivery is sustainable, enabling you to provide training for new staff, parents or pupils as and when you want, without further recourse to us.

“The effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is equivalent to adding an extra two or three years to that student’s education.”

Professor John Hattie  First Steps: A new approach for our schools, CBI, November 2012

All of our input is designed around the principles of ‘deep learning’ and our aim is that all who take part fully understand Parental Engagement. 

At national, regional and commercial policy formation level we offer: 

  • briefings based on a deep insight into our exploration of what schools need to do to make Parental Engagement a strategy that actually raises pupil achievement, and how national institutions and organisations can respond to enable this
  • keynote speeches that inspire educationalists by providing challenge through thought, coupled with solutions that work  

At school and MAT level we offer:  

  • briefings for school leaders that enable the formation of a vision, policy and strategy for delivery
  • a transformational course that enables the development of cultural change within schools, creating a more harmonious relationship with parents to improve pupil achievement and attainment
  • access to Free Flow Info as a whole-school solution to the sustainable delivery of Parental Engagement