The intelligent application of experience
EiE’s directors and associates are often called upon to comment on educational matters in different educational publications. You can access / download some of those here, or access some of the specialist websites we write on specific educational issues by following the links provided.
Pastoral Manager Training
The importance of developing non-teaching staff
Social Media
Getting the best, and not the worst from Social Media
The Developing Role of SBMs
Developing entrepreneurial skills within the SBM role
Getting Real Impact from Your Pupil Premium
How SBMs can use the Pupil Premium to influence the cost-effective adoption of ICT.
Stakeholder Engagement
Ensuring your interactions with stakeholders benefit your pupils
Performance Management
Getting the best from your admin team and support staff
Am I Bothered?
Case study on Behaviour Management by Ruth Cowley (introduction by Alan Cowley)
The Sense of Community
The wisdom of sticking with good ideas even when government policy changes
How Can You Get The Best From Your School's Teaching Assistants?
One Size Fits All?
Is it possible to cater for the needs of all pupils?
An 'Apple' for the Teacher
How can schools ensure that what may seem to be a harmless act of gratitude does not become a hindrance to inclusion and pupil progress?
Dealing with 'helicopter parents'
Over-protective parents can sometimes exert too much influence over school policy, to the detriment of those children whose parents are less vocal.
Private Tuition - who needs it?
How should schools respond to the rapidly growing private sector? Can private tuition mask poor teaching in your school?
The Bargain Hunt we can all take part in
How can schools use collective bargaining to cut utility costs?
Developing you leadership strengths
As leaders we should be aware of our own particular leadership styles, what they bring to the team, and how they might hinder the performance of others. Alan Cowley asks 'have you evaluated your leadership strengths lately?'