engage... enthuse... inspire...
Engagement in Education is a leading Education Consultancy, working to shape and deliver innovative, simple, sustainable solutions to improve pupil achievement and attainment through effective engagement in education.
Working with schools, academies, government agencies and teaching associations (both in the UK and internationally), EiE has established itself as one of the world’s leading authorities on how to make Parental Engagement and Stakeholder Engagement work in schools. This expertise, developed and tested through school-based action research, has produced a whole new approach and methodology to enable meaningful Parental Engagement in children’s learning.
Thinking about the next step in your journey of development to Academy status? Setting up a Multi Academy Trust or Free School? Our pool of education, project management, legal, accounting and marketing partner experience / expertise can guide and support you through each step of the process.
Discover how our solutions and support can make a significant contribution to your school improvement journey.
Free Flow Info (FFI) is a new and unique methodology, enabled by a bespoke web platform, designed to provide schools with the means of benefiting from the advantages associated with meaningful, manageable and sustainable Parental Engagement.
EiE are recognised leaders in this field and have developed innovative, yet simple approaches that allow schools to establish meaningful and sustainable practice that enables this key strategy for raising individual pupil achievement and attainment.
School performance can be greatly enhanced through well-managed Parental Involvement. EiE helps school leaders and policy makers at local and national level to understand, identify and deploy the most effective strategy for their school, or more widely.
Are you considering a move to academy status, either to form a single academy trust (SAT), to join with others to form a new multi academy trust (MAT) or to join an existing MAT?