This is our hub website and gives details of who we are and what we do. Within each specialist page you will find links to other eie resources connected to that area of interest.
At the moment these domains host our Parental Engagement resource. We are naturally delighted with the speed at which this resource became the World’s most frequently visited website on Parental Engagement. Our intention is to provide simple, common-sense advice on the subject, built on the soundest research and experience. Since publication we have added to it in response to questions posed by both teachers and parents in areas that strictly speaking do not fall under the Parental Engagement umbrella. We will therefore shortly be adding 2 new websites to our stable so that the Parental Engagement website can be slimmed down, and information found more easily.
Is currently under construction and will look in depth at the issues that either blight or confuse home/school relationships, such as Homework, Reporting to Parents, Consultation Meetings, from the point of view of parents. Each topic will be clearly explored, and research and current practice explained, so that parents can make judgements on practice within their children’s school. This website will be released on completion of the first topic ‘Homework’, and built on a topic by topic basis.
Will run in tandem with its sister site but will handle the issue from a school’s point of view. Background information will be provided along with guidance and advice to inform policy review and development. Our intention is for schools to use the site as a critical friend to check whether their existing approach is in need of updating or re-evaluation. This website will be released on completion of the first topic ‘Homework’, and built on a topic by topic basis.
This website gives detailed information and news about our new methodology which harnesses three crucial strategies for raising attainment, particularly with disadvantaged pupils: Effective Feedback, Assessment for Learning, and Parental Engagement.